Webbee introduces new Bitrix module that enhances your standard Bitrix communication functionality even further. Meet a fully functional 2-way SMS exchange service upgrade that allows both SENDING messages to your clients and RECEIVING their replies.
- Send and RECEIVE SMS messages
- See the entire conversation history in a Contact/Lead Activity stream
- Get notified with an instant pop-up notifications
- Track the flow of incoming messages through a Notification stream
Technical pre-requirements:
- Active Plivo SMS account with credits and configured phone number
- Plivo SMS application installed on your portal (available for free on Bitrix24 Marketplace)
- Bitrix24 Self-Hosted portal
Service provider restrictions:
- Plivo SMS API limits the number of countries to which it can support 2-way exchange services. The current list includes 19 countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Lithuania, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
- A phone code should always suffice for successful delivery
Screenshots below will help you to understand the whole concept:
1. Incoming and Outgoing messages are saved in a lead/Contact activity Stream with precise timestamp

2. Messages from Bitrix24 are delivered to clients, and back from clients to Bitrix24

3. With each SMS message coming into the system a Responsible person is notified by standard Bitrix24 pop-up notifications

4. All notifications can be tracked down in a general notification stream. A quick link will bring you straight to a Contact/Lead, so you can reply to a message immediately