If you are new to Bitrix24 there are some things you may find helpful. Get a quick overview of What's Bitrix24 here.
You can start right now with the help of these 8 small steps:
1. Go to www.bitrix24.com website & create a new Bitrix24 account in a few clicks (watch a short video over here).2. Let's start with your Profile. Open it for editing & add some information: upload photo, add your position & contact details.
3. Don't feel lonely inside your new Bitrix24! Invite your colleagues, friends or business partners to your account. You should know that invited users can switch to another interface language if needed.
4. Set your Company Structure.
5. Create new welcome message in Activity Stream for your colleagues that you've invited to the account, or send a welcome chat message to all users via common General chat.
6. Delete or add demo data. If you think that Bitrix24 default welcome messages are not necessary - feel free to delete them. You can also:
- add own tasks
- create workgroups
- schedule events inside company calendar
- organize common document library
- create mailboxes for users
7. Don't forget to configure your main Account Settings.
8. Configure access to Bitrix24 features that you plan to use the most:
- CRM access permissions
- workgroup access permissions.
- worktime configuration.
You are now almost set & ready for further steps.
If you feel that Bitrix24 is overwhelming, we highly recommend contacting your Gold Partner for a demo & customization, if required.
Click to book a demo https://calendly.com/webbeenz/30min